APK Explorer includes a set of open source tools primarily designed to explore the content of an application installed on an Android device. Additionally, AEE offers a feature-rich APK/Split APK/App bundle installer that allows users to select and install files from device storage. Note: This app only explores installed apps, not APK files saved in the device memory.
+ A beautifully designed list view of installed apps.
+ Explore and navigate through the content of an installed app.
+ Decompile (in smali) and display the content of DEX files (classes.dex).
+ Easily select and install APKs, split APKs and app bundles from device storage using the built-in file picker.
+ Easily export and manage (install, share, etc.) APK/Split APK files.
+ Easily extract an app icon with just one click on it.
+ Provides basic information about important resource files.
+ Display graphics, text, binary XML and many more.
+ Save/export individual resource files to device storage.
+ Elegantly designed user interface with an auto-dark/light theme.
+ Much more.
Note: If you’ve ever encountered any issues, feel free to open an issue on GitHub.
Link to GitHub issue: