Popular Muslim prayer app in Saudi Arabia and the Middle East region
AlMosaly is the most trusted Islamic app by millions of Muslims around the world. Al Mosally offers free prayer times in the US, salatak, adhkar, azan, qibla, and prayer times. Our app is used by 25 million Muslims in Saudi Arabia and around the world. AlMosaly brings you the most accurate prayer times, Fajar list, azan and many other features like Quran, Islamic articles, nearby mosques, Islamic calendar and qibla with many methods such as: (compass, sun and moon, shadow, visual)
Features of AlMosaly:
▶ Precise prayer times
Displays the times of salatak: Fajr, Sunrise, Dhuhr, Asr, Maghrib and Isha prayers.
shows the last third and midnight.
The app provides free prayer times in USA, so you can know the exact prayer times.
▶ Islamic Articles
Articles that discuss valuable content for Muslims.
▶ Qibla
Provides animated accurate Qibla direction with (compass pointing to Mecca location, sun and moon, shadow, visual)
Now there will be no more confusion, Almosaly now offers 4 types to ensure the direction of your qibla
▶ Daily reading of the Quran
Read the Holy Quran (Al Qur’an) and you can easily browse (surah, chapters, pages)
▶ Adhkar menu
There are many Adhkar such as: morning, evening, sleep, salah, Adhkar all day, you can also set your own goal of reciting Adhkar.
▶ List of fajirs
Dawn of the List is a wonderful feature that helps your loved ones to maintain Fajr prayer. Once you add a contact to the dawn list, the phone will automatically call them during dawn prayers.
▶ mosques nearby
Provides direction to nearby nearby mosques based on your location
▶ Hijri Calendar
to estimate holy dates such as Ramadan, Eid-Al-Fitr and Eid-Al-Adha
▶ Wonderful Digital Tasbih
A detailed Hijri calendar with the times of Salah, Ramadan Eid-Al-Fitr and Eid-Al-Adha
Discover the interesting things in * on this day in history *
The times when Salah is not allowed, know the times when Salah is not allowed
set and maintain your good deeds in our app, Al mosaly will assess and remind you of your deeds such as sadaqah (charity), Salah, Adhjar, Quran
Almosaly the prayer app which provides free prayer times in the united states, and qibla direction, and nearby mosques for every muslim prayer
▶ Download and recommend this app to your friends and family.
If you have any problems in the app or have any suggestions, please feel free to contact us at any time and we will try to resolve the issues as soon as possible.
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